ICB Distance Learning Bookkeeping courses Part Time

ICB Distance Learning Bookkeeping courses Part Time

ICB Distance Learning Bookkeeping courses Part Time are the best option for working individuals who needs to earn a wage, but at the same time improve qualifications. The ICB (Institute of Certified Bookkeepers) uses the following part time bookkeeping courses in their Monetary Accounting Program: National Certificate: Bookkeeping (NQF Level 3). FET Certificate: Accounting (NQF level 4). National Diploma: Technical Financial Accounting (NQF level 5). National Diploma: Financial Accounting (NQF level 6).   With the ICB you can start at an academic level below Matric, and work you method approximately 2 levels greater than matric (NQF 6 level). ICB Distance Learning Bookkeeping courses Part Time

How does part-time research studies work with ICB bookkeeping courses?

To understand the crucial information of how you can study the ICB bookkeeping courses part-time, you need to recognize with the following products:
  • How does Home Study Work?
  • Can I study ICB Accounting if I do not have a Matric Certificate?
  • ICB Bookkeeping Courses through Distance Learning.
  • National Certificate: Bookkeeping (NQF Level 3) – Foundation Level.
  • FET Certificate: Bookkeeping (NQF level 4) – Intermediate Level.
  • National Diploma: Technical Financial Accounting (NQF level 5) – Upper Intermediate Level.
  • National Diploma: Financial Accounting (NQF level 6) – Advanced Level.
  • ICB Correspondence Colleges – Accreditation.
  • ICB Student Portal.
  • ICB Bookkeeping Courses Charges.
  • ICB Registration.
  • ICB Examinations.
  • The Distinction between Bookkeeping and Accounting Courses.
  • Why Study Bookkeeping?
  • Study Further after completing your Course.
  • The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers and Accountants (ICBA).

How does Home Study Work?

Distance Learning, Correspondence Learning and Part-Time Studies are all the same example. They all explain a college whose students study from home. That indicates the trainees can work in the daytime, and after that study evenings and weekends. Distance Learning is the best option for working people who needs to make a salary, but at the exact very same time need to improve their qualifications. When you select a home study college, you have to thoroughly take a look at a number of things that identify them. Home study colleges do not all work specifically the exact same. So here are the important things you need to look at carefully, prior to selecting where to study:
  • Study Products, Study Notes and Textbooks.
  • Shipment and Speed.
  • Hidden Costs.
  • Study Product Appropriate for Home Study Trainees.
  • Pacing Your Knowing.
  • Assist from your Speakers and Tutors.
  • Online Study hall.
  • Academic Support.
  • Outdated Study Products.
  • Enough Time To Complete Your Course.
  • The Right Guidance.
  • Distance Learning Study Materials, Study Notes and Textbooks.

Study Materials, Study Notes and Textbooks.

Your study notes and books are essential to your part time research studies. So you should make sure that the study notes and textbooks you will require, are included in your course fees. You must get the correct book and right distance learning study materials. No, the college will not provide you pens and paper. That you generally obtain. But they must provide the proper distance learning study materials. Your study notes, textbooks and assignments should all be consisted of in your course costs. Outstanding study product is composed in an easy-to-understand method. The study notes are comprised of bits that are small enough that you can do one section in your daily study time. The material starts from easy concepts, and makes sure you comprehend the fundamentals, before carrying on to more complex work.  

Delivery and Speed.

A few of the older correspondence and part-time colleges may still send your study material through the Post Workplace. This can postpone your part-time research studies. So make sure to ask if they always carrier your study materials. You will discover that some correspondence colleges courier your first and Second plan of part time study products, however in the future they send the rest by means of the Post Workplace. So you should ask very thoroughly about how ALL your part-time study materials will be sent out to you. If your college holds up your part-time study products, it implies you are paying, nevertheless you can not study. Paying for time that you can not study is bad at all! From your side you need to comprehend how the carrier organisation works. They will need an address where they can deliver. And it will need to be an address where there is constantly someone able to sign for the package. This is why most students prefer to have their part-time study materials couriered to their work environment. The courier company will call you before sending out your shipment. So you should make certain to give them a phone number that you will address when they call you. It is quite disappointing to learn they wished to provide, however they could not acquire you on the phone!  

Hidden Expenses.

With part-time there are numerous potential surprise expenditures. So you need to ask about those costs. Here are a few of the questions you have to ask:
  • Are all your study products (including books) consisted of in your course cost?
  • Is the provider expenditures included in your course charges?
  • How and when must you pay your examination charges? Generally this is not included in the course expense.
  • Precisely what about ICB Trainee Subscription costs? What does it cost? is this? When must you pay it?
  • Bursaries that are cancelled when you lose out on a payment. Did you get a bursary? Does it get cancelled if you miss out on a regular month-to-month payment?
  • Is there a yearly registration expense? Or do you just pay the registration cost when?

Study products Appropriate for Home Study Students.ICB Distance Learning Bookkeeping courses Part Time

Outstanding correspondence study material is composed specifically for correspondence learning trainees. Since you do not have a lecturer in front of you, the part-time study materials should “have the tutor inside the notes”. That suggests that the notes “speak” to you like a lecturer. Your part-time study materials must be complete with examples and exercises. So you study a bit at a time. And you do tasks to see if you understood the bit you learnt. The study material we use has actually been written specifically for correspondence knowing students. So you will find it incredibly friendly and simple to utilize!  

Pacing Your Knowing.

When you study from home, you have to plan your knowing. You have to think about what does it cost? you will study every day and how much weekly. Make sure you are useful. And leave yourself time to likewise loosen up and charge your batteries. When we send you your study notes and textbooks, we normally send out one subject at a time. For students who wish to study much faster, we send out two topics. The reason we do this is to make sure that you don’t get stuck with old part time study products. The ICB books are updated every year. And if you have the old book, then you will need to pay additional to purchase the brand-new textbook. We help you speed your part time studies by assisting you in creating a study calendar for the year. The ICB provides 5 assessment sessions for part-time trainees in 2017. So as quickly as you have finished a subject, you can register for the next readily offered test. In this way you can move through your research studies as quickly as you want.  

Help from your Speakers and Tutors.

The college has a group of qualified speakers and tutors to help you. You can telephone or email your concerns. However many students make use of our online study hall. Your tutors work with us because they take pleasure in helping trainees. If you inquire, they will notify you of their own study experiences part-time. They have actually all needed to work and study at the very same time. And the majority of them are currently hectic with post-graduate part-time research studies. So you will get assistance from tutors who comprehend exactly what it seems like to be a home study student!  

Online Study Groups.

We offer online study hall for all our ICB trainees, through our partners at TogetherWePass. In your online study group you will find other students, in addition to your tutors and speakers. The online study hall likewise work on the web browser on your phone, so you can check-in with your group when you take a break in your work day! In your online study group you can ask questions, share your experiences along with help other students. Describing the work you study to another student is one of the finest approaches to make sure your own understanding is solid. It is a great approach to discover, and to make a positive contribution to the lives of your fellow trainees. If you need a personal conversation with your speaker and even another student, then you can select the personal chat function. You will discover that your speaker and your fellow students assist and influence you every day! It is merely so a lot simpler to study when you understand other students are also working to get their qualifications when you get yours.  

Academic Support.

Our academic support group includes your speakers and tutors. We likewise have scholastic administration personnel who will help you with a few of your more administrative requirements. When you need a letter for your company, or a declaration of results, or order more part time study products, the scholastic support men will be helping you. If you need higher level intervention with a hard problem, you will have the ability to speak with the Academic Head of the college. She gets along and beneficial, and she gets things done!  

Obsolete Study Products.

You have to plan your research studies correctly, so that you do not sit with outdated part time study products prior to you have composed the test on that part time study materials. The wise thing to do, is aim for a couple of topics in a test session. Ensure you get just those part time study products, and work to pass the test. Keep in mind, the part time study products are updated regularly. So you need to understand you will have the capability to do a test in the next 3 or 4 month when you get the part-time study materials and books for your next subject. If you suddenly find that you have time to study, and you require an additional subject, you can easily buy the next topic from us. We continuously provider, so for a great deal of trainees residing in the cities and huge towns, you will not wait more than a week. If you stay in a gotten rid of location, it takes a bit longer … nevertheless not weeks!  

Enough Time To Complete Your Course.

Some students fret that they will not have adequate time to finish their course. Don’t stress! If you need to study a bit slower, then you can get a course extension. That offers you more time to study and finish your course. We will assist you plan your part-time studies, so you can finish it bit by bit. And if you require a course extension, we will not charge you a re-registration charge. Typically you simply continue paying your routine month-to-month study fee for the extra time you require. When you see that you will not have sufficient time, get in touch with the college and request for an extension. We will gladly help you with this.  

The Right Advice.

When you register for a course, you need to make certain you got appropriate suggestions on your studies at first. You can not make a life option as vital as this by browsing the web and emailing some concerns. You have to spend sufficient time speaking to a qualified course specialist who can encourage you. We constantly encourage potential students to call us and spend sufficient time on the phone getting fantastic suggestions. Our course professionals and registrars get along people who enjoy helping trainees. They will ask you great deals of questions about exactly what you wish to study and what you require your part-time studies for. In this approach they make sure that you register on a course that will give you what you need.  

ICB Bookkeeping Courses via Distance Learning

The ICB bookkeeping program is comprised of four different levels. Inside each level can be one or more courses.
  • Foundation Level
  • Intermediate Level
  • Upper Intermediate Level
  • Advanced Level
As you complete each level, you will get licensed by the ICB. You will get an ICB Certificate. As you finish the different courses inside the levels, you will get recognition from FASSET in the form of your official certification from FASSET.  

Foundation Level

National Certificate: Bookkeeping (NQF Level 3) – Foundation Level The foundation level is the beginning point for many students. If you did refrain from doing that well at school, or you stopped trying matric, or you have really not studied for various years, then the foundation level assists you bridge the space and return into studying. Academically the level is NQF 3. That is the level listed below matric, so we understand that students with Grade 10 (Basic 8) will be able to handle the scholastic level of the work. You do not require any previous accounting or accounting knowledge if you start at this level. And you need to be a minimum of 16 years of age to be accepted onto the program. To complete this level you should pass four topics. The recommended time to finish this level is 12 months. Distance learning students can use up to 18 months.  

Intermediate Level

FET Certificate: Bookkeeping (NQF level 4) – Intermediate Level The intermediate level are for students who have actually successfully finished the foundation level. It is your Second action on the ladder to becoming a Financial Accountant. To enter this level, you need to have passed the foundation level. That means you need to currently have your National Certificate: Bookkeeping to enter this level. To finish this level you have to pass 2 topics. Numerous trainees total this level in 6 months. Distance learning students can use up to 9 months to finish this level.  

Upper Intermediate Level

National Diploma: Technical Financial Accounting (NQF level 5) – Upper Intermediate Level At this level you move from Accountant to Accounting professional. If your dream is to end up being an Accountant, then this level will get you there! To enter this level you have to have passed the Intermediate level. That indicates you should have your FET Certificate: Accounting to acquire entry to the Upper Intermediate Level To complete this level you have to pass 2 subjects. The recommended time of study is 6 months. Home Study trainees can use up to 9 months to complete this level.  

Advanced Level

National Diploma: Financial Accounting (NQF level 6) – Advanced Level. This is the greatest level of ICB studies. Here you will get your National Diploma: Financial Accounting (NQF Level 6). To enter this level you should have passed all the previous levels. So that means you need to be in possession of your National Diploma: Technical Financial Accounting. To pass this level you should effectively complete four topics. Trainees normally take around 12 months to finish this level. Distance learning trainees can take a bit longer, obviously.  

ICB Learner PortalICB Distance Learning Bookkeeping courses Part Time

The ICB has a student site for home study students. Through the ICB student portal you can access a variety of self-service functions. You can similarly ask your college to access these functions in your location if you do not have web access to, or if you have a tough time to make use of the portal.   A few of the things you can do through the learner portal are:
  • View and modify your personal and contact details
  • Order a reprint of a certificate you attained
  • Pay your ICB costs (Credit Card).
  • Register for Exams.
  • See your Examination Results.
  Here is a video with the information!      

ICB Bookkeeping Courses Fees.

There are a number of various costs that you must prepare for, if you are going to study an ICB course. Here are some of the major expenses you need to comprehend and plan for:
  • Study charges with your part-time college.
  • Book charges. Some colleges will include this in your course fees.
  • Courier charges. Skills Academy includes this in your course charges.
  • Test costs. Generally you pay this straight to the ICB, so it is not consisted of in your course fees.
  • ICBA Student Subscription fees. These costs are typically not included in your course fees.
  • ICB Trainee Registration charges. This is a yearly charge that is normally not consisted of in your course fees.

ICB Registration.

When you decide to study an ICB certification, you need to remember a number of things that all form part of your ICB Registration, being:
  • Yearly ICB Student Registration.
  • Registration with a home study college.
  • ICB Examination Registration.

ICB Tests.

The ICB offers five test sessions to home study trainees in 2017. You need to make certain you comprehend the test costs. And it is vital important that you register for your exam, three months prior to you prepare to compose the examination. You can not reach the test centre and anticipate a seat and a test paper if you have not registered for that exam.  

Why Study Bookkeeping?

In South Africa bookkeeping and accounting are scarce skills. That indicates that both market and federal government identify that we have a lack of bookkeepers and accountants. The government body for qualifications in the financial sector, FASSET, has done a study on scarce skills in 2015. From that study they published their Scarce Skills Guide 2015. FASSET is the SETA for Finance, Accounting, Management Consulting and other Financial Services. In their scarce skills guide they identified the following as scarce skills:
  • Trainee Accountant.
  • Finance Manager.
  • General Accountant.
  • Accounts Clerk.
  • Payroll Clerk.
  • Debt Collector.
  These are all positions for which an ICB accounting course will prepare you appropriately. Your accounting accreditation will ensure that you are constantly in need. It is a great career that can take you to the greatest level in an organisation. The deficiency of accounting abilities also impacts federal government departments. All federal government departments have accounting and accounting divisions. And they work every year to get a successful audit. To get a clean audit suggests that they require qualified, qualified, dedicated and knowledgeable bookkeeping and accounting personnel and managers. As a certified bookkeeper or accountant, you will continuously remain in need. Either in private company, or in a government department, which can consist of both municipalities, in addition to larger national federal government departments. ICB Bookkeeping Courses   Last Updated, 9th May 2017